Day 7 is Ni-ki!

I’m obviously biased because I love dark hair so much, but this chin length wolfcut that he had going on post-manifesto/some of Dark Blood was probably my favorite look on him. The short black hair + glasses (shocker I know) was also REALLY great on him😌

Next is blonde Ni-ki, he looked really cool as a blonde HOWEVER I did not like when his stylists chose to also bleach his eyebrows during Dark Blood, so then it didn’t look like he had any. It was kinda a harsh look on him, but the slightly darker eyebrows with the blonde was great (shout out to slide 8, because he looks SO freaking cool here)!

And of course, we can’t forget oreo Ni-ki!! Two of my favorite hair colors on him combined together, and it was glorious. I loved the oreo hair trend that was going around last year, but Ni-ki knocked it outta the park with the highlight & ombre variations of the oreo hair. I know black is my favorite, but I can acknowledge that oreo hair is his BEST😫🤌🏽

What do you think?

by IllustriousNobody995