Part 2 from yesterday’s post, here’s my favorite looks on (my bias🤭) Jay!

His short black hair with the undercut during Manifesto era was SO GOOD he looks amazing with that style. His longer black hair with the curtain bangs + those glasses that hot people wear during THAT dance break is my absolute favorite holy shit. Now Jay’s short spiky hair in the Bite Me MV?!?!?! (save me Dark Blood Jay save me)

His chocolate brown hair was beautiful on his skin color (stop whitewashing him HYBE he’s gorgeous), I fkn love the brown & his tan skin😤🫶🏽

Now: BLONDE JAY🫨 oh my lord this man is the most beautiful, gorgeous, fine, funny, talented, amazing person ever dear lord (ok calm down)

ANYWAYS what are your favorite Jay looks?

by IllustriousNobody995